ok, we're experimenting here. the hope is that with a new, slightly more cheerful, background my posts will become slightly more cheerful too. I won't lie, it kinda bums me out that most of what i write on here are complaints of my friends, my failures, my frustrations and other such things, especially when life seems to be going ok for the most part.
let's see then, it's summer time, i'm working as a lifeguard/swim instructor at the neighborhood pool, and i have a lovely boyfriend and lovely friends. well, mostly lovely friends...
the things is, some of my friends are DBs (my school's abbreviation for "Drunk Bitch") and some are kinda sluts. that's rude to say of my dear sweet friends, i know, but it's also an undeniable truth. but i don't want to think about it, because it makes me want to yak.
so i'll tell you about the pool! for me, a pail ginger haired young lady, working t the pool in the sun all day was probably one of the stupidest decisions i've ever made. it is a long and exhausting job to stay alert under the burning sun to watch loud obnoxious children and make sure they don't drown one another, yet i'm really enjoying it. :)
i like my coworkers, the pool itself, the responsibility, and the kids (usually). giving swim lessons is always an adventure, whether it's teaching them to kick with both legs or do alternating arm strokes, or blow bubbles under the water (yes, spit bubbles are the alternative) or to even enter the water at all, it is all pretty much enjoyable. the negatives of the job include cleaning bathrooms, scooping the leftovers of bodily functions out of the pool and of course, the hot hot hot hot HOT sun. i have been sunburned anew almost every single day that i have taught a swim lesson, and it's really starting to become a bother. why does my waterproof, sweatproof sunscreen not last me thru 2 hours of swim lessons? why does my shirt not protect my shoulders? why does my hat not keep the sun off my face? i do not understand, truly, i do not understand at all.
but there are perks. like the cute little girl in my swim lesson today (5 years old) who told me she wanted to be a paleontologist. and the little boy last week who told me that Jenny was his favorite swim instructor and that he wanted to be in her class, but who this week asked for me by name :). so, it all kinda makes up for the bad stuff
i'm trying to think of other things that i have to add to this positive post, but to be honest, i'm getting a little tired from my long day at work today and i want to go sit on the couch (and maybe even finish the not-so-positive post i started last week!) and relax. but i like this new positive approach to the blog. maybe a positive blog and positive writing will lead to a more positive outlook in general. wish me luck!